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we make digital humans

From digital model development, to simulated product design, 3D production in Fashion is the future.

3D Fashion Showreel

Mimic x Fashion

Mimic Productions is a 3D production company whose origins are deeply ingrained in the fashion industry. Founded by 3D veteran, David Bennett, and award-winning fashion designer, Hermione Flynn, Mimic is a culmination of technical expertise and innovative content development.


It is with this unique insight into the fashion industry that Mimic is able to offer cutting-edge technical services with an in-depth understanding of trend forecasting and the application of 3D in the ever-changing fashion market. From campaign development to online sales and fit technology, Mimic offers the fashion industry comprehensive solutions in all aspects of 3D production.


Mimic's past clients include world-class global brands Burberry, Moncler, Balmain, Valentino, Nike and many more. 


There are several major benefits to the development of 3D fashion models and their integration in future fashion productions. From the creation of a perfect brand "face", to a models capacity to walk in a show in Paris and digitally model for a campaign in Tokyo (on the same day)... The opportunities are endless! Furthermore the creative freedom in 3D production is outstanding - placing a model in the mountains, and then on the beach , with just a click of a mouse.

Mimic has digitised many models, including super-models Kendall Jenner and Toni Garrn. We have also developed custom models allowing a brand the opportunity to own the IP of their own brand ambassador.  We believe this is the inevitable future of fashion production.



There are multiple ways the Beauty and Cosmetic Industries can harness the potential of 3D as a creative and practical medium.

From the creation of real and surreal make-up effects to the simulation of skin-care products and ageing, we have developed 3D beauty content for many brands including Clinique and Mac Cosmetics.

Furthermore, we had the opportunity to work with medical scientists to develop the most accurate simulation of ageing possible. From skin elasticity, to levels of radiance, and the disintegration of bone structure, we created scientifically accurate 3D models showing the ageing process as well as various cosmetic treatments.

3D fashion model


The 3D production of clothing, shoes, bags and other fashion accessories allows for unlimited creative opportunities, as well as the development of new sales or fit technologies.

We have produced 3D fashion assets for several major luxury brands including Valentino, Balmain, Moncler and Burberry. These assets have been used to create engaging new content for marketing through 3D fashion camapaign and film production. However, the use-case does not stop there... We have also had the opportunity to engage in the development of new technologies, such as virtual fit simulations for the benefit of online shoppers.

Our attention to detail and excellent craftsmanship makes us the preferred partner in 3D asset creation, savouring the detailing in every last zip, buckle and stitch.

Beauty and cosmetics

Garment Simulation

At Mimic, we are used to working with multiple software, from Marvelous to Clo3D to Unreal Engine. We have developed different pipelines for real-time and offline renders using simulation and dynamics optimised for different use cases. In the example on the left, you can see a realtime dyanmics animation in Unreal Engine.

As a pioneer in 3D avatar and fashion product creation, Mimic is perfectly positioned to develop new technologies to further advance the fashion industry. If you have a ground-breaking idea and are looking for a partner in fashion technology production, Mimic is here to help.

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