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we make digital humans

Custom Conversational AI Avatars that Think, Look, Act, and Sound like us!

Mimic Minds excels in creating lifelike avatars using advanced AI. We craft personalized photorealistic chatbots, digital influencers, customer service reps, NPCs, and beyond.

Highly intelligent, able to converse naturally.

We use AI to empower people to express themselves in the digital world with custom-built, lifelike avatars that enable more personalized and authentic communication.

Custom-made characters

We use AI to empower people to express themselves in the digital world with custom-built, lifelike avatars. These avatars enable more personalized and authentic communication style.

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Intelligent NPC's
(Non-Playable Characters)

Elevate your gaming experience with our smart NPC solutions, where every interaction feels unique and alive. Elevate your gaming experience to new heights of realism and immersion.

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Photorealistic Converstional AI Avatar

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